Most of the October and November lectures in 2012 were recorded, as were two 2009 lectures on presentation style.

The 2012 Lectures

2012 Lecture 1: How to read and how to find papers to read (66 minutes). N.B. the lecture proper starts at 8:02. The first 8 minutes are an introduction to the course itelf.

2012 Lecture 2: How to referee a paper and the reviewing process (25 minutes).

2012 Lecture 2b (Ethics) - no recording exists

2012 Lecture 3a: How NOT to give a presentation (18 minutes) or from Vimeo: How NOT to give a presentation.

2012 Lecture 3b: Presenting a paper (12 minutes). A short presentation of basic concepts and mis-conceptions in presenting a paper. This is an introduction to the longer presentations later in the course.

2012 Lecture 4: Who are you writing for? Writing style. (40 minutes).

2012 Lecture 5a: Continuation of Lecture 4 (20 minutes). We finish the discussion of Orwell, then look at how to avoid over-qualification, over-emphasis, pretension, pomposity, and obfuscation.

2012 Lecture 5b: Two ways to write the first draft of a document. Advice on editing and advice on getting other people to comment on your document. (12 minutes).

2012 Lecture 6: Professor Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research, gives a guest lecture on writing (35 minutes). Seven simple suggestions: don't wait - write, identify your key idea, tell a story, nail your contributions, put related work at the end, put your readers first, listen to your readers.

2012 Lecture 7 (Writing lecture 4) - no recording exists

2012 Lectures 8-10 (Experimental design and analysis) - no recording made

2012 Lecture 11a: Thoughts on research (8 minutes).

2012 Lecture 11b: Conferences (20 minutes). Which conference to submit to. How conferences work. What to do at a conference.

2012 Lecture 11c: Authorship (and acknowledgements) (6 minutes).

2012 Lecture 12a: Good and bad graphs (24 minutes)

2012 Lecture 12b: Two live examples of creating basic graphs (15 minutes)

2012 Lecture 13a: Figures, Tables, Maths, Algorithms (25 minutes)

2012 Lecture 13b: Two live examples of using graphs to explore data (10 minutes)

2012 Lecture 14a: Posters for conferences (18 minutes)

2012 Lecture 14b: The Problem with Powerpoint - see 2009 lecture Good and bad presentations (starts 14 minutes in, ends 23 minutes in)

2012 Lecture 15a: The Gettysburg Address (15 minutes)

2012 Lecture 15b: Laying out presentation slides (13 minutes)

2012 Lecture 15c: An example of how to present a mathematics proof in a talk (9 minutes)

2012 Lecture 16a: How to read (3 minutes)

2012 Lecture 16b: How to prepare a presentation (33 minutes)

The 2009 Lectures

2009 Lecture 8: Good and bad presentations (50 minutes, low resolution) or from Vimeo: Good and bad presentations (higher resolution) 

2009 Lecture 9: How to prepare a presentation (42 minutes) or from Vimeo: How to prepare a presentation