Analysis of the Viewing Zone of the Cambridge Autostereoscopic Display

N. A. Dodgson

Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, UK. CB2 3QG

Published in Applied Optics 35(10), 1 April, 1996, pp.1705-1710.


The Cambridge autostereoscopic 3D display is a time-multiplexed device that gives both stereo and movement parallax to the viewer without the need for any special glasses. This analysis derives the size and position of the fully illuminated, and hence useful, viewing zone for a Cambridge display. The viewing zone of such a display is shown to be completely determined by four parameters: the width of the screen, the optimal distance of the viewer from the screen, the width over which an image can be seen across the whole screen at this optimal distance, and the number of views. A display's viewing zone can thus be completely described without reference to the internal implementation of the device. An equation is derived describing what the eye sees from any position in front of the display. The equations derived in this paper can be used in both the analysis and design of this type of time-multiplexed autostereoscopic display.